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Group Booking Reservations

Group bookings are available to trip organizers who want to share the lodge with their own group of friends and enjoy our guiding, catering and staffing services. This is not a self-guided or self-catered week, rather it is a chance to share the lodge with 13 of your best friends. With this type of rental, a Trip Organizer must take the lead on the trip and take responsibility for all communications and payments between Selkirk Lodge and your group. If you wish to make a group booking for less than 10 people, you may share the lodge with other guests. 


Please read carefully and ensure that you have a full understanding of how this type of booking works before committing. Feel free to contact us with any questions.


Trip Organizers for Group Bookings will be required to review and sign our “Group Booking Contract” which contains the terms outlined here, as well as the services that Selkirk Lodge agrees to provide. You will be provided with this agreement in advance of payment, and payment will only be accepted once the agreement has been signed by both the trip organizer and Selkirk Lodge.


The maximum number of guests for a trip is 14, including the trip organizer.


All prices are in CAD


Price (2024/2025 season): 7 day - $57,750 + 5% GST / 4 day - $40,250 + 5% GST 


Reservation Fee: $14,000 + 5% GST 


The reservation fee is due upon booking and is non-refundable.


The remaining balance is due the October 31st prior to your trip date and is non-refundable.


Reservations are non-transferable.


The trip organizer is responsible for all payments to Selkirk Lodge: the reservation fee and the final payment. Selkirk Lodge does not process payments from individual guests, they must be paid by the trip organizer in two lump sums.


Accepted payment methods: Please note that Selkirk Lodge does not accept credit cards. Cheque, money order, or E-transfer are preferred. Bank Wire Transfer is also available on request for international trip organizers.


It is the trip organizer’s responsibility to manage all communications between your guests and Selkirk Lodge. This includes ensuring that all of the guests understand our reservation, cancellation, evacuation, and trip insurance policies, and that each person reviews and understands the Selkirk Lodge waiver prior to payment. Selkirk Lodge will provide you with all the necessary information and documentation to share with your group to ensure a seamless process and a positive experience.

Selkirk Lodge is not responsible for finding guests for your week, and payments are due on their due dates regardless of the number of guests that have committed by that time. Failure to make payments on time will result in the loss of your reservation, and the forfeiture of your non-refundable reservation fee.

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